In response to a question from Coun. Peter Demong during Tuesday’s council meeting, the city’s Deputy Solicitor discussed what he believes could happen if this legislation is passed and how we as an organization would have no choice but fall back on following both provincial laws against fraud alongside federal ones once it goes into effect.

The worst-case scenario for the province of Alberta would be if they were directed not to act at all by using this act. In a best case, it could have an insignificant effect on our city’s operations.

The premier of Alberta announced that legislation to limit the power of federal governments in areas such as healthcare and education would be coming soon. When asked about this issue at her own press conference, she said there is still high levels speculation on what will come next but it’s important for everyone remain open minded until all possibilities have been considered.

“I am disappointed by this unfair situation,” said Smith. “We have a 62% mandate from Albertans to resist Ottawa’s interference in our areas of jurisdiction, so we need tools put into place that will push them back into their own lane.” 

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported when carbon tax is fully implemented shoppers could pay 37 cents per litre more for gasoline while Quebec drivers would see gas prices drop down below 23 pennies thanks again SUV owners there who drive luxury cars with larger engines!

Smith said she is worried about how this bill could affect the relationship between provincial and federal governments. She believes it goes against what Canada’s constitution entails, so they have to follow certain rules when exercising their jurisdiction over other areas that are still part of The country under Local Authority Act .